Saturday, July 9, 2011

Week 3-Immersion-into-Course

Immersion-into-the-CourseThat's how the week felt. The excitement of creating one's own pages on WWW during the first two weeks had begun to settle. I expected Week 3 to be similar though. But like each of the first two weeks, the third one sprang up surprises. There was heavy workload. I started  the session with the Reading assignment. Busa was loaded with information on what experts were doing with pronunciation and technology. It was enough to give me a complex. I had been so proud of having set up the Multimedia Lang Lab in our Institute with some modern software. And now to think of it, the Lab had not been aware of all these Applications available. And I didn't even know they existed. I followed this reading by going through Julia Gong's article. The two complemented each other. I felt so sure of myself, so proud of the awareness I had come to possess in the field. Only during the last week I had expressed interest in 'Prosodic Features' and now I had so much knowledge about taking up its teaching through weblinks. I could actually join some Research team in this area. I must bring these Applications to my Institute.

Creating web page to bookmark my special links was very easy and equally easy was diverting all my recently acquired weblinks to my page. In fact it was a fun task. But posting my delicious URL on the class wiki earmarked for it was a bit of a nightmare. As usual, it kept playing tricks and then much to my embarrassment, I could succeed only in my third attempt leaving imprints of my failed attempts behind... never mind, as long as I learnt to do it. Robert I am sure will delete the redundant traces from the page. I plan to take up the task of getting on my page all the links I keep discovering from the Readings, from Robert, from the class members, from assignments. I plan to give a demonstration of all this in the next staff meeting. I hope to inspire the faculty to use these resources in their classes. Teacher trainees from remote araes will benefit so much from this.

Reading sample Project Reports, I read four of them, was a pleasure. Each one structured so well. Each so informative. It was a delight. I use these adjectives because after the Busa article, they made easy reading and were very relaxing. I got to know about the research happening in different parts of the world in the field. The problems everywhere are the same. Deprived sections of society, large classes, poor proficiency levels despite years of teaching/learning, inadequate teaching resources, teachers with fixed mind-sets. And almost like the proverbial silver lining, the ELT teachers, always experimenting with new ideas to succeed. Modern, well-informed, motivated.

The task on exploring websites was truly demanding, equally demanding was the task of bringing: the articles, the websites on resources, the websites on lesson plans together. But it was a great learning experience. I have found solutions to my local problems in Randall's Lab. I can use it with my trainees.

And now about the forums of communication: Nicenet, Blog and also Delicious; I intend to take them to all of my classes. It's a pity I don't teach students directly much as such. I intend taking it to my staff and the teacher trainees who in turn will take it to the students. I am often invited to institutions to talk about the latest in the field. This will help. I must tell them these tools can prove to be revolutionary if used effectively.

Great. I am more or less done with Week 3. Better informed thanks to the class members on Nicenet as well. Tomorrow, I intend going through everyone's blog.




  1. Hi Sharda

    I understand why you felt the workload was so heavy when I read your reflection. You go above and beyond what is required. I fully expect that you will get quite a lot out of the class by taking the work to this level.


  2. Hello Sharda,

    Thanks for your comment in my blog. Yours is beautiful too. And about your experience and all the problems using the website tools, Everybody has had it. However that is the reason we are in this course, because we need to learn new techniques with the purpose to teach in the best way and principally look for the appropite method and techniques for motivating to our learners.


  3. Hello Dr. Sharada Kaushik,

    Thank you. I am extremely delighted to read your posting. I’m already trying how my institute can use the power of webased materials for empowering our trainee teachers. We have successfully produced a multimedia material to enhance the communication skills of students in primary classes, especially in class-1 in the state of Kerala. We are also ready to give the materials to other states.

    In fact, I really love to work with RIENI. You are welcome to RIESI, Bangalore for the August workshop. I am the Coordinator of the programme. You are free to call me. I am glad to receive the Director of RIENI. We can think of a few collaborative projects too. Pls send me either mail or letter at the earliest regarding your Bangalore visit.

    I fully agree with your comment that the E-Skills programme is a real immersion in the world of web skills. We are all excited to create our own blogs. It is also really fascinating to read articles, explore skill building web pages and posting our views in the discussion thread. But as Robert observes we all carry with us the “Tale of two classes”. They are our face to face class with trainee teachers and our ‘Web skill E- scholarship programme’. So we are all academically preoccupied. But I really enjoy the E-skills Scholarship programme. Thanks to RELO New Delhi.

    Ay RIESI we have set up ‘A digital Multimedia Language Lab’ in August 2009. We have been using it since then. We give more importance to the teaching of prosodic features (stress, pause, tone, pitch etc) rather than segmental features. I’ve done a small action research in the role of prosodic features in spoken English and teacher talk. Pls visit RIESI Language lab Blog

    Thank you for your post on my blog. We will collaborate for the cause of English language education.
    With regards,

    P.K.Jayaraj, RIESI, Bangalore
    Mob: 09446049837
